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Writer's pictureCaroline Brideau

Free scarf crochet pattern

Here is a little story about a scarf...

My grand-mother is VERY talented at knitting (not crochet), and I wanted to learn from her. She teach me how to knit, but to be honest I never was good at it. She made me practice by doing a scarf and it was such a disaster. The thing is, I never gave up and I continued to learn knitting, but to my grand-mother's point of view, I was being stubborn and she always ended up taking the project from me and finishing it for me. I think that she took pity of me. Often times I was losing...euh... I don't know the term... what would be a ''stitch'' for knitting ? Anyway, when I was missing a ''stitch'' I could not figure out for the life of me how to fix it, so my grand-mother was always taking over. After a few projects partially finished and disfigured I decided it wasn't for me.

When I begin crochet, to practice the stitches, I began with a scarf. To my surprise, it was sooooo much easier than knitting ! I learned the basic and the next time I saw my grand-mother, I was so proud to tell her that I know how to crochet! She was very impressed as she said that she could never learn crochet, as for her, this is too difficult and she prefers knitting. Nowadays, when I go see her, we crochet and knit together and I can finally show her my creation without it being a disaster.


Materiel :

Yarn : any super bulky yarn (#6), but for my scarf I used the yarn in the picture above.

Hook : 8mm

Abbreviation :

Ch: chain

sc: single crochet

linked exsc : linked extended single crochet

ch-sp : chain space


This pattern uses a special stitch called ''Waffle stitch'' and linked extended single crochet

Linked extended single crochet : insert hook as instructed, yo, pull through a loop, insert hook in next stitch, yo, pull through a loop, (yo pull through 2 loops) twice.

Chain 21

Row 1 - 2 linked exsc in the 3rd and 4th ch from the hook. (Ch1, 2 linked exsc in each of the next 2 chain) repeat to the last chain. ch 1, 1sc in last chain. Turn.

Row 2 - Ch 2, 2 linked exsc in first sc and next ch-sp. (ch 1, 2 linked exsc inserting hook to right of next verticle thread (at center of next exsc) and then in next ch-sp). Repeat to last exscm ch 1, 1sc in lact exsc, turn

Row 3 - Repeat row 2 until you have 118 row total OR when you have reached the length desired.

And there you have it ! A beautiful, comfortable scarf !

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