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Get to Know Me

Since 2018, I discovered crochet. I had just given birth to my child and when I saw these crochet plush stuff animals, I wanted to have one for him. I didn't know where to get one, since the shops in my area were not selling any. I noticed that a friend of mine was publishing her crochet work on Facebook and it was incredible, and then i thought... why can't I learn how to crochet ? From there, my adventure began. I grow more and more comfortable with crochet until i was good enough to try making my own patterns. Since then, I developed a passion on creating patterns for others. Having bought a lot of pattern, i knew what I liked and dislike in a pattern. Therefore, when creating mine, I ALWAYS think about putting a lot of explanation, pictures for reference and simple/easy instructions to follow. I am confident you will ENJOY my pattern as much as I enjoyed making them! 

Crochet Caro
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